
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kabbalah (or Qabala) & Science: Yes, "What the Bleep"

I begin with a small rant about Numerology:
Right now I have had my fill of numerology. Just viewing a few conspiracy theory Youtubes using numerology to prove so many events... (I think you can prove anything you want with numerology... )
The only Youtube I was impressed with (so far) regarding the Kabbalah and numerology was one for a music teacher at Emory University.

Kabbalah & Science:
In therapy, the therapist needs to meet the client at the place where that client "is". The client's perception is the key to the client's personal growth and insight. This is how I am (as a client of "life" if "life" is my therapist)  For example, The Tree of Life appears to be similar to the Chakras used in Eastern meditation. That makes sense to me because I have some exposure to that concept.
Kabbalah approaches the science of "being". The teachings of Kabbalah, ancient knowledge about "being", connect to science, especially the eye-opening field of Quantum Physics which has showed us that "reality" as we know it is very subjective. (The perspective of the person viewing/experiencing the reality affects the reality.) It has turned modern, observable science on it's head... how do we now, for example, understand double-blind experiments when something benign can turn powerful or something powerful looses it's power? Traditional modern science still creates a framework of expected outcomes, but it is not all measurable and results can change. How much of the change is affected by each one of us and are we all living in parallel universes that seem the same most of the time and yet they are distinctively different because of the power of our own perception?

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